How to Grow as a UX Designer

User Experience Design (UX) skills are in-demand in today’s digital world of apps, websites and software. UX has become a great way to future-proof your career, especially for graphic designers, web developers and digital copywriters. However, like most crafts, your UX skills will improve over time so learning how to grow as a UX designer takes patience, perseverance and patience. In this article we will look at the best habits you can create in order to continually grow as a UX designer and become an in-demand freelancer or secure your dream job.

What is UX design?

But first, a little bit of background on UX design. UX design is the process of designing products that provide ease and satisfaction for the user. It is important to understand that UX design is not just about aesthetic beauty or visual style. It requires a deep understanding of human behaviour, goals, and motivations.

The best UX designers are able to create interfaces that anticipate how users will want to navigate a site or app, and what they will want to do once they have accessed it. Furthermore, a great UX designer needs to be able to analyse data and feedback in order to make improvements accordingly. Moreover, these designers should be skilled in prototyping, wireframing, and sketching how an interface will work on paper before it’s coded up.

1. Observe

The first step to becoming a better UX designer is becoming aware of your own experience while using products.

What do you like about your favourite App?

What makes the experience so seamless?

What products make you think the least?

On the last question, if you ever have to use a product that requires no thinking on your part, no stumbling blocks occur, and you think your grandmother could figure it out, then chances are it has excellent UX.

However, do not only pay attention to your positive user experiences. You can learn just as much, possibly more, from bad UX. We have all had frustrating experiences trying to figure out how to use an App or website. When it’s unclear what course of action to do next, or the interface sends you around in circles, only for you to give up and delete the app, the UX design has failed. Instead of forgetting about the experience, ask yourself how you would have designed things differently. Where had the UX design gone wrong, and how could you fix it?

In short, develop a UX mindset!

2. Study

An obvious one. The best way to grow as a UX designer is to learn UX design. Especially if you are a newcomer to UX, the best thing you can do is enrol in a quality UX design course. However, choose wisely, as the UX education sector has become awash with expensive courses which cut course content to upsell students to a more expensive program, sometimes ranging between $10K – $15K!

Therefore, do your research and consider a remote/online course such as those offered by The UX Philosophy to save you money.

3. Immerse

Even if you have already undertaken a UX design course, never stop learning. Immerse yourself in the world of UX by reading, watching and listening to all things UX. Here are a few of our favourite resources:



Book cover for "don't make me think" book

Don’t Make Me Think, by Steve Krug

Lean UX book cover

Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience, by Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden

The design of everyday things book cover

The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition, by Don Norman


21st Century Design, by Don Norman

CX vs UX, by Kim Flaherty

Psychology Behind UI/UX Design, Harrish Murugesan Ted Talk


UX Podcast hosted by Per Axbom and James Royal-Lawson

Wireframe hosted by Adobe principal designer Khoi Vinh

What is Wrong with UX hosted by Laura Klein and Kate Rutter

4. Practice

One of the best things you can do to grow as a UX designer is to practice the craft. There are many different methods that UX designers use to practice their skills but one of the best is by creating personas for their company and design services. A persona represents a very specific target market/user. Almost like sketching out a character for a story, you must know their sex, age, background, education, occupation, family upbringing, etc. You even give them a name.

If you can find a person that fits your persona for a project that you are working on, even a mock project, then try and interview them and go through paper wireframes. See where they stumble, ask them why. Nothing beats hands-on, practical experience.

5. Throw yourself in the deep end - sink or swim

Now this one may seem scary, but is a sure-fire way to fast-track your progress as a UX designer. Sometimes the best way to grow as a UX designer is to just put yourself out there and declare you are one. Whether it be looking to land a big client or a new in-house UX design job, announcing you are a UX designer and that you are up to the task can be the best way to fast-track your growth. It takes courage to shake off the imposter syndrome and fake it till you make it, but the rewards for doing so are astronomical.

Learn UX Design

If you are interested in how to grow grow as a UX designer, consider taking some of our courses or even getting a design career coach. We are proud to offer:

  • Lower prices compared to alternative course providers
  • Shorter but more intense courses
  • The opportunity to work with a real client, as well as support after course completion
  • Help with portfolio creation, resume writing, how to grow as a UX designer etc.
  • A very hands-on, practical course, while many others are theory-based

If you have any questions regarding our courses, then please reach out to us today.